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8 Steps of a Business Organization's Purchasing Process: перевір свою англійську

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8 Steps of a Business Organization's Purchasing Process: перевір свою англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

right  -   align  -   bidding  -  continuity   -    durable  -   ensure   -    variety  -   execution  - investigation  -   estimates   -  lead   -    numerous   -   reached   -   task force   -   submitted  -  breaks down

The purchasing process for companies ________ down into eight clear steps to ensure the ________ of the business processes. In the first step the company identifies a need, for which the answer is the purchase of a product. The final step is the ________ of a purchase contract. The steps in between build an organized, informed process that results in the company purchasing the ________ product for the need from a qualified supplier whose product is the most ________ for the price.

Identify Need

Identify the need for a product purchase. For example, a lawn company wants to offer mowing services to its clients. To do this it needs to purchase a mower. Thus, the need to make a purchase of a product, a mower, is ________d.

Select Specific Product

Select a specific product to ________ with the need. For example the lawn company must select which type of mower from the ________ of products on the market meets the company’s need for a mower the best.

Appoint Purchase Team

Put a team – a ________ ________ – together to manage the purchase process, including finalizing the list of required technical specifications for the product and the ________ and award process.

Specify Technical Specifications

Arrive at a list of required technical specifications for the product to ________ it meets the company’s needs.

Budget for Purchase

Make ________ for the purchase relying on the range of prices identified by the ________ done in Step 3.

Research Potential Suppliers

Research the ________ product types that fit the need along with their suppliers to identify the most durable model at the best price. If the lawn company decides to purchase a riding mower, research is conducted into which brand and manufacturer provides the most durable product for the price asked.

Choose Bids

Choose bids from the manufacturers and suppliers of the identified product that meets quality, ________ time and other specifications.

Award Contract

Select a supplier from the bids ________ and award the purchase contract.


to align with

əˈlaɪn wɪð 


bidding process

ˈbɪd.ɪŋ  ˈprəʊses 

тендерный процесс

to break down

breɪk  daʊn







длительный, долговременный, долговечный

to ensure


гарантировать, обеспечивать



прогнозная оценка







lead time


время выполнения заказа




to reach



to submit


сдавать на рассмотрение

task force


tɑːsk fɔːs

рабочая группа







[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 

The purchasing process for companies breaks down into eight clear steps to ensure the continuity of the business processes. In the first step the company identifies a need, for which the answer is the purchase of a product. The final step is the execution of a purchase contract. The steps in between build an organized, informed process that results in the company purchasing the right product for the need from a qualified supplier whose product is the most durable for the price.

Identify Need

Identify the need for a product purchase. For example, a lawn company wants to offer mowing services to its clients. To do this it needs to purchase a mower. Thus, the need to make a purchase of a product, a mower, is reached.

Select Specific Product

Select a specific product to align with the need. For example the lawn company must select which type of mower from the variety of products on the market meets the company’s need for a mower the best.

Appoint Purchase Team

Put a team – a task force – together to manage the purchase process, including finalizing the list of required technical specifications for the product and the bidding and award process.

Specify Technical Specifications

Arrive at a list of required technical specifications for the product to ensure it meets the company’s needs.

Budget for Purchase

Make estimates for the purchase relying on the range of prices identified by the investigation done in Step 3.

Research Potential Suppliers

Research the numerous product types that fit the need along with their suppliers to identify the most durable model at the best price. If the lawn company decides to purchase a riding mower, research is conducted into which brand and manufacturer provides the most durable product for the price asked.

Choose Bids

Choose bids from the manufacturers and suppliers of the identified product that meets quality, lead time and other specifications.

Award Contract

Select a supplier from the bids submitted and award the purchase contract. 


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