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Bank manager: перевір свою англійську

Продовжуємо вивчати лексику з "Practical Financial English". Цього разу пропонуємо Вашій увазі слова, використовувані при наданні банківських послуг та керуванні відділом

Bank manager: перевір свою англійську

Insert the appropriate word:

oversee      stepping stone    boosted      complaints         running 

tough sales targets         live off       move up the financial career ladder    ensuring

 promoting     resolving  

Bank managers need to be dynamic leaders with good communication and motivational skills. 

A bank manager will ____ the ____ of one or more branches and be responsible for meeting ____ and keeping staff fully trained and motivated.

There’s always plenty to do in this job, and your duties will include:

• ____ and marketing the branch and its products

• Meeting with customers and ____ any problems or ____

• ____ there’s a high level of customer service

• Monitoring sales targets

• Reporting to head office

Whether you want to ____ or are looking to try something different in the sector, this job is a great ____ You could become an area or regional manager.

Starting salaries are in the region on £25k but with experience the highest earners can bring in £70k per year. A branch manager’s basic salary will be ____ with various bonus schemes so you’ll never have to ____ pasta.





sales target

[seılz] [ʹtɑ:gıt]

план продаж

stepping stone

[stepin] [stəʋn]

стартовая площадкатрамплин

to boost

[tu:] [bu:st]

увеличивать, улучшать

to live off

[tu:] [lıv] [ɒf]

жить на что-либо

to move up the career ladder

[tu:] [mu:v] [ʌp] [ðə] [kəʹrıə] [ʹlædə]

двигаться вверх по служебной лестнице

to oversee

[tu:] [͵əʋvəʹsi:]


to promote

[tu:] [prəʹməʋt]

продвигать, создавать благоприятные условия для продажи

to resolve a problem

[tu:] [rıʹzɒlv] [ə,(eı)] [ʹprɒbləm]

решать проблемувопрос

to run a branch

[tu:] [rʌn] [ə,(eı)] [brɑ:ntʃ]

руководить отделением (банка)



жесткий, сложный для выполнения



Bank managers need to be dynamic leaders with good communication and motivational skills. 

A bank manager will oversee the running of one or more branches and be responsible for meeting tough sales targets and keeping staff fully trained and motivated.

There’s always plenty to do in this job, and your duties will include:

• Promoting and marketing the branch and its products

• Meeting with customers and resolving any problems or complaints

• Ensuring there’s a high level of customer service

• Monitoring sales targets

• Reporting to head office

Whether you want to move up the financial career ladder or are looking to try something different in the sector, this job is a great stepping stone. You could become an area or regional manager.

Starting salaries are in the region on £25k but with experience the highest earners can bring in £70k per year. A branch manager’s basic salary will be boosted with various bonus schemes so you’ll never have to live off pasta.


Этот и многие другие интересные материалы Вы можете найти в учебнике “Practical Financial English”

подробнее о книге и как ее заказать здесь >>>


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Cover letter: проверь свой английский >>>

Responsibilities of Chief Financial Officer (extract from Practical Financial English) >>>

Economic situation (extract from Practical Financial English) >>>

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Doing Business: проверь свой английский >>>

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Accountant: проверь свой английский >>>

Payroll Accountant: проверь свой английский >>>

Accounting Principles: проверь свой английский >>>

Deferred tax: перевір свою англійську >>>

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Автор: FBE School

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