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Raising Funds: перевір свою англійську

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Raising Funds: перевір свою англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

presence   -   funds  -   buy out   -   initial public offering  -  raise   -  repay

Hong Kong - L'Occitane Ltd, a French natural-ingredients beauty company, and its parent may ____ as much as HK$5.49 billion ($707 million) in an ____ in Hong Kong, said three people with knowledge of the sale. 

L'Occitane and L'Occitane Groupe SA plan to sell 364.12 million shares, and ____ a 25 percent stake in the company’s capital. 

"It makes sense for the company to raise ____ in Asia because this is the growth market for them," Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities Ltd in Hong Kong, said in a telephone interview on Monday. "Consumers in Asia are increasing spending on high-end cosmetics and beauty products, and L'Occitane fits into this niche."

"We intend to expand our ____ in high-growth emerging markets such as China, Brazil, Russia, India and Mexico," L'Occitane said in its report.

L'Occitane Groupe will use proceeds from the IPO to ____ debt raised during a leveraged buyout, expand its network of new stores globally, develop its factories in France and fund research, development and e-commerce.




привлекать (средства)

initial public offering

[ıʹnıʃ(ə)l] [ʹpʌblık] [ʹɒf(ə)rıŋ]

первичное размещение акций на рынке

buy out

[baı] [aʋt]




средства, фонды









[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 

Hong Kong - L'Occitane Ltd, a French natural-ingredients beauty company, and its parent may raise as much as HK$5.49 billion ($707 million) in an initial public offering in Hong Kong, said three people with knowledge of the sale. 

L'Occitane and L'Occitane Groupe SA plan to sell 364.12 million shares, and buy out a 25 percent stake in the company’s capital. 

"It makes sense for the company to raise funds in Asia because this is the growth market for them," Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities Ltd in Hong Kong, said in a telephone interview on Monday. "Consumers in Asia are increasing spending on high-end cosmetics and beauty products, and L'Occitane fits into this niche."

"We intend to expand our presence in high-growth emerging markets such as China, Brazil, Russia, India and Mexico," L'Occitane said in its report.

L'Occitane Groupe will use proceeds from the IPO to repay debt raised during a leveraged buyout, expand its network of new stores globally, develop its factories in France and fund research, development and e-commerce. 


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