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Fixed-term tenancy — 2: перевір свою фінансову англійську

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Fixed-term tenancy — 2: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

at will - evicting - notice - occurs - runs out - sufferance 

A fixed term tenancy comes to an end automatically when the fixed term _________ or, in the case of a tenancy that ends on the happening of an event, when the event _________.

 If a holdover tenant remains on the property after the termination of the lease, s/he may become a tenant at _________ because the lessor/landlord has suffered (or allowed) the tenant to remain as a tenant instead of _________ him or her.

Such a tenancy is generally "_________," meaning the tenant or the landlord may terminate it at any time, upon the providing of proper statutory _________.




at will

[ ət ] [ wɪl ]

за бажанням


[ ɪˈvɪkt ]



[ ˈnəʊtɪs ]



[ əˈkɜːr ]


runs out

[ rʌn ] [ aʊt ]



[ ˈsʌf.ər.əns ]




[ Див. правильну відповідь ]  

A fixed term tenancy comes to an end automatically when the fixed term runs out or, in the case of a tenancy that ends on the happening of an event, when the event occurs

If a holdover tenant remains on the property after the termination of the lease, s/he may become a tenant at sufferance because the lessor/landlord has suffered (or allowed) the tenant to remain as a tenant instead of evicting him or her. 

Such a tenancy is generally "at will", meaning the tenant or the landlord may terminate it at any time, upon the providing of proper statutory notice.


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