1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
allocated - deduct - benefit - deemed
ensure - improper - time-consuming - assess
Inefficient and ineffective processes or procedures. Faculties and services ______________ from reviewing their administrative processes to avoid, for example, ______________ duplication of responsibilities in job descriptions and processes with useless, ______________ steps.
Improper use of General Ledger accounts. Employees need to ______________ they are coding expenses to the proper General Ledger account. Only very exceptionally expenses should be ______________ to the Miscellaneous General Ledger expense account.
Individual paid either as an employee (through Payroll) or as an independent contractor (through Finance). The Company has to ______________ these relationships properly, because, as all employers, the Company must, on the one hand, ______________ income tax, Pension Plan and Employment Insurance premiums and, on the other, make employer contributions for all individuals ______________ to be employees.
allocated |
æləketəd |
розподілений |
assess |
əsɛs |
оцінювати |
benefit |
bɛnəfɪt |
вигода |
deduct |
dədəkt |
віднімати |
deemed |
dimd |
вважається |
ensure |
ɛnʃʊr |
забезпечувати, гарантувати |
improper |
ɪmprapər |
неналежний |
time-consuming |
tajm kənsumɪŋ |
затратний по часу |
Inefficient and ineffective processes or procedures. Faculties and services benefit from reviewing their administrative processes to avoid, for example, improper duplication of responsibilities in job descriptions and processes with useless, time-consuming steps.
Improper use of General Ledger accounts. Employees need to ensure they are coding expenses to the proper General Ledger account. Only very exceptionally expenses should be allocated to the Miscellaneous General Ledger expense account.
Individual paid either as an employee (through Payroll) or as an independent contractor (through Finance). The Company has to assess these relationships properly, because, as all employers, the Company must, on the one hand, deduct income tax, Pension Plan and Employment Insurance premiums and, on the other, make employer contributions for all individuals deemed to be employees.
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