1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
barcode – identify - manually entering
products – reduced – transferred
A barcode inventory system is much more accurate than keeping inventory by hand. Human error can be severely ______________ with barcodes and your inventory will have more accurate data.
A ______________ is a picture with numbers or text, and the picture represents data visually. The picture stored product information.
Two types of barcodes are used:
- One-dimensional (1D) barcodes are made up of vertical black lines and the space between the lines. allows the scanner to ______________ the product.
- Two-dimensional (2D) barcodes or QR-codes are typically square-shaped and consisted of different dots and shapes that store information. These barcodes can hold more information than 1D barcodes.
With barcodes on your inventory, all of your ______________ can be instantly read and data can be easily ______________ to a computer by scanning of barcodes. Instead of ___________________ each product and figuring out the total price, the computer can do it for you.
barcode |
[ˈbɑːˌkəʊd ] |
штрихкод, матричний код |
identify |
[ aɪˈdentɪfaɪ ] |
розпізнавати, визначати |
manually entering |
[ˈmænjʊəli ˈɛntərɪŋ ] |
Ручне введення |
products |
[ˈprɒdʌkts ] |
товари |
reduced |
[ rɪˈdjuːst ] |
знижені |
transferred |
[ trænsˈfɜːd ] |
передані |
A barcode inventory system is much more accurate than keeping inventory by hand. Human error can be severely reduced with barcodes and your inventory will have more accurate data.
A barcode is a picture with numbers or text, and the picture represents data visually. The picture stored product information.
Two types of barcodes are used:
- One-dimensional (1D) barcodes are made up of vertical black lines and the space between the lines. allows the scanner to identify the product.
- Two-dimensional (2D) barcodes or QR-codes are typically square-shaped and consisted of different dots and shapes that store information. These barcodes can hold more information than 1D barcodes.
With barcodes on your inventory, all of your products can be instantly read and data can be easily transferred to a computer by scanning of barcodes. Instead of manually entering each product and figuring out the total price, the computer can do it for you.
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