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Balance Sheet: перевір свою англійську

Продовжуємо вивчати лексику з "Practical Financial English". Цього разу пропонуємо Вашій увазі слова, що характеризують основні складові бухгалтерської звітності

Balance Sheet: перевір свою англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

Unlike    -      assets     -      essentially    -     over    -   debts   

general purpose    -     efficiently    -    equation     -     reliable   


The balance sheet, also called the statement of financial position, is the third ____ financial statement prepared during the accounting cycle. The balance sheet reports a company's financial position based on its ____, liabilities, and equity at a single moment in time.

____ the income statement, the balance sheet does not report activities ____ a vast time frame. The balance sheet is ____ a picture a company's resourses, ____, and ownership on a given day. This is why the balance sheet is sometimes considered less ____ or less telling of a company's current financial performance. Annual income statements look at performance over the course of 12 months, whereas, the balance sheet only focuses on the financial position of one day.

The balance sheet is basically a report version of the accounting equation also called the balance sheet ____ where assets always equation liabilities plus shareholder's equity.

In this way, the balance sheet shows how the resources controlled by the business (assets) are financed by debt (liabilities) or shareholder investments (equity). Investors and creditors generally look at the statement of financial position for insight as to how ____ a company can use its resources and how effectively it can finance them.

















главным образом

general purpose

[ʹdʒen(ə)rəl] [ʹpɜ:pəs]

общего назначения



в течение






в отличие от



[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 

The balance sheet, also called the statement of financial position, is the third general purpose financial statement prepared during the accounting cycle. The balance sheet reports a company's financial position based on its assets, liabilities, and equity at a single moment in time.

Unlike the income statement, the balance sheet does not report activities over a vast time frame. The balance sheet is essentially a picture a company's resourses, debts, and ownership on a given day. This is why the balance sheet is sometimes considered less reliable or less telling of a company's current financial performance. Annual income statements look at performance over the course of 12 months, whereas, the balance sheet only focuses on the financial position of one day.

The balance sheet is basically a report version of the accounting equation also called the balance sheet equation where assets always equation liabilities plus shareholder's equity.

In this way, the balance sheet shows how the resources controlled by the business (assets) are financed by debt (liabilities) or shareholder investments (equity). Investors and creditors generally look at the statement of financial position for insight as to how efficiently a company can use its resources and how effectively it can finance them. 

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