Insert the appropriate word:
accounting affect apply delivered period
recognized significant states understate
verifiable viable
The Full-Disclosure Principle
The full-disclosure principle states that financial reporting must include all _____________ information that can _____________ the investor’s decision.
The Prudence Principle
This principle says if different methods can _____________, you should choose the one that is least likely to overstate or _____________ the assets or income.
The Revenue Recognition Principle
This principle states that revenue is _____________ in the accounting _____________ when it is earned. The revenue is recognized when a service is provided or goods are _____________, not when the payment arises.
The Matching Principle
The matching principle _____________ that expenses should be recognized in the _____________ period when the related revenue was earned.
The Going Concern Principle
This principle assumes that the company will be _____________ and will continue into the future, so the current market value is not important.
The Objectivity Principle
This principle says that accounts should be based on facts and not personal opinion. In this case, the accounts are _____________.
accounting |
əˈkaʊntɪŋ |
учет |
period |
ˈpɪərɪəd |
период |
significant |
sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt |
значительный |
to affect |
æfekt |
влиять |
to apply |
əˈplaɪ |
применять |
to deliver |
dɪˈlɪvə |
доставлять, поставлять |
to recognize |
ˈrekəgnaɪz |
признавать |
to state |
steɪt |
констатировать |
to understate |
ˌʌndəˈsteɪt |
занижать |
verifiable |
ˈverɪfaɪəbl |
проверяемый |
viable |
ˈvaɪəbl |
жизнеспособный |
The Full-Disclosure Principle
The full-disclosure principle states that financial reporting must include all significant information that can affect the investor’s decision.
The Prudence Principle
This principle says if different methods can apply, you should choose the one that is least likely to overstate or understate the assets or income.
The Revenue Recognition Principle
This principle states that revenue is recognized in the accounting period when it is earned. The revenue is recognized when a service is provided or goods are delivered, not when the payment arises.
The Matching Principle
The matching principle states that expenses should be recognized in the accounting period when the related revenue was earned.
The Going Concern Principle
This principle assumes that the company will be viable and will continue into the future, so the current market value is not important.
The Objectivity Principle
This principle says that accounts should be based on facts and not personal opinion. In this case, the accounts are verifiable.