1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
dispel some myths - trainee - lucrative - instant - hectic - return - assume - shares - post-graduate qualification - fluctuations - rigorous - part-time hours - clock in - to manage the financial portfolio - analysts
If you've ever seen stockbrokers in the movies, it's easy to … they spend their days just shouting "buy buy" or "sell sell" down the phone. So let us … … …
Your role in a stockbroker job is .. … .. … … of your client; so this could be an individual or a company. On the advice of investment analysts, you’ll discuss with your client which … to buy or sell to get them the best … on their money.
Successful brokers are quick thinking, full of bright ideas and not afraid to make risky decisions in an …. As a stockbroker you’ll be expected to:
• Research the financial markets
• Consult investment …
• Report to your clients
• Monitor your clients’ investments
This job is not for people that can't wake up in the mornings, traders at the London Stock Exchange … .. at 8am, so you would normally be at your desk by 7am, so remember to set your alarm. The London Stock Exchange closes at 4.30 but you’ll be at your desk for far longer, especially if you work with markets in the Far East, so won't have time to twiddle your thumbs or update your Facebook status.
Stockbrokers often work in large, … offices and you’ll spend much of the day fixed to your telephone and computer screen monitoring any changes and reporting to clients.
This can be a very … career. Starting salaries range between £25k and £35k a year. This can reach up to £45k to £80k a year with some extra experience. High earning brokers can bring in £150k per year, plus, generous bonuses on top of their annual income which can be far higher than their basic.
One mistake and it could all come crashing down around you...and when it crashes, it doesn't do it quietly...
Also, as the role demands you react quickly to the … of the market, … … and flexible working isn't a realistic option.
Although there are no set qualifications if you want to become a stockbroker, most employers will expect you to have a degree or, even better, a … … such as an MSc or MBA.
Graduates who apply to become a … in an investment bank or firm of stockbrokers will be met with a … series of tests and interviews.
To become a fully-qualified stockbroker you need to be registered with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) which involves passing an exam approved by the FSA.
analyst |
[ʹænəlıst] |
аналитик |
fluctuation |
[͵flʌktʃʋʹeıʃ(ə)n] |
колебание |
hectic |
[ʹhektık] |
беспокойный, активный (о времени) |
instant |
[ʹınstənt] |
мгновенный |
lucrative |
[ʹlu:krətıv] |
прибыльный, выгодный, доходный |
part-timehours |
[pɑ:t]-[taım] [ʹaʋəz] |
неполный рабочий день |
post-graduatequalification |
[pəʋst]-[ʹgrædʒʋıt] [͵kwɒlıfıʹkeıʃ(ə)n] |
аспирант; студент магистратуры |
return |
[rıʹtɜ:n] |
прибыль (от инвестиции) |
rigorous |
[ʹrıgərəs] |
жесткий, строгий, неукоснительный |
share |
[ʃeə] |
акция |
to assume |
[tu:] [əʹsju:m] |
допускать |
to dispel a myth |
[tu:] [dısʹpel] [ə,(eı)] [mıθ] |
развенчать миф |
to manage the financial portfolio |
[tu:] [ʹmænıdʒ] [ðə] [f(a)ıʹnænʃ(ə)l] [pɔ:tʹfəʋlıəʋ] |
управлять портфелем ценных бумаг |
If you've ever seen stockbrokers in the movies, it's easy to assume they spend their days just shouting "buy buy" or "sell sell" down the phone.
So let us dispel some myths
Your role in a stockbroker job is to manage the financial portfolio of your client; so this could be an individual or a company. On the advice of investment analysts, you’ll discuss with your client which shares to buy or sell to get them the best return on their money.
Successful brokers are quick thinking, full of bright ideas and not afraid to make risky decisions in an instant. As a stockbroker you’ll be expected to:
• Research the financial markets
• Consult investment analysts
• Report to your clients
• Monitor your clients’ investments
This job is not for people that can't wake up in the mornings, traders at the London Stock Exchange clock in at 8am, so you would normally be at your desk by 7am, so remember to set your alarm. The London Stock Exchange closes at 4.30 but you’ll be at your desk for far longer, especially if you work with markets in the Far East, so won't have time to twiddle your thumbs or update your Facebook status.
Stockbrokers often work in large, hectic offices and you’ll spend much of the day fixed to your telephone and computer screen monitoring any changes and reporting to clients.
This can be a very lucrative career. Starting salaries range between £25k and £35k a year. This can reach up to £45k to £80k a year with some extra experience. High earning brokers can bring in £150k per year, plus, generous bonuses on top of their annual income which can be far higher than their basic.
One mistake and it could all come crashing down around you...and when it crashes, it doesn't do it quietly...
Also, as the role demands you react quickly to the fluctuations of the market, part-time hours and flexible working isn't a realistic option.
Although there are no set qualifications if you want to become a stockbroker, most employers will expect you to have a degree or, even better, a post-graduate qualification such as an MSc or MBA.
Graduates who apply to become a trainee in an investment bank or firm of stockbrokers will be met with a rigorous series of tests and interviews.
To become a fully-qualified stockbroker you need to be registered with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) which involves passing an exam approved by the FSA.
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