1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
common stock - investments - reconciliation - along with - displays - general purpose - equation - affect - in depth view
The statement of stockholder's equity, often called the statement of changes in equity, is one of four ____ financial statements and is the second financial statement prepared in the accounting cycle. This statement ____ how equity changes from the beginning of an accounting period to the end.
The statement of stockholder's equity displays all equity accounts that ____ the ending equity balance including ____, net income, paid in capital, and dividends. This ____ of equity is best demonstrated in the expanded accounting ____.
In other words, the statement of stockholder's equity is a basic ____ of how the ending equity is calculated. How did the equity balance on January 1 turn into the equity balance on December 31?
First, the beginning equity is reported followed by any new ____ from shareholders ____ net income for the year. Second, all dividends and net losses are subtracted from the equity balance giving you the ending equity balance for the accounting period.
affect |
[ʹæfekt] |
влиять |
along with |
[əʹlɒŋ] [wıð] |
наряду с, и |
common stock |
[ʹkɒmən] [stɒk] |
обычные акции |
displays |
[dısʹpleı] |
отображает |
equation |
[ıʹkweıʒ(ə)n] |
равенство |
general purpose |
[ʹdʒen(ə)rəl] [ʹpɜ:pəs] |
общего назначения |
in depth view |
[ın] [depθ] [vju:] |
тщательный обзор |
investments |
[ınʹvestmənt] |
инвестиции |
reconciliation |
[͵rekənsılıʹeıʃ(ə)n] |
сверка |
The statement of stockholder's equity, often called the statement of changes in equity, is one of four general purpose financial statements and is the second financial statement prepared in the accounting cycle. This statement displays how equity changes from the beginning of an accounting period to the end.
The statement of stockholder's equity displays all equity accounts that affect the ending equity balance including common stock, net income, paid in capital, and dividends. This in depth view of equity is best demonstrated in the expanded accounting equation.
In other words, the statement of stockholder's equity is a basic reconciliation of how the ending equity is calculated. How did the equity balance on January 1 turn into the equity balance on December 31?
First, the beginning equity is reported followed by any new investments from shareholders along with net income for the year. Second, all dividends and net losses are subtracted from the equity balance giving you the ending equity balance for the accounting period.
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