1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
become - dependent - experience - major
opportunities - pass - require - thorough
Accounting Jobs and Opportunities
There exists today a wide range of job __________ in the field of accounting.
Entry-level jobs are __________ on the extent of your education. Positions of bookkeeper and accounting clerk, for example, __________ a high school diploma and perhaps a two-year associate degree in accounting. The position of accountant demands that you have a more __________ understanding of financial concepts and so requires a minimum of a four-year bachelor's degree in accounting. Some accountants go on to __________ certified public accountants, or CPAs, as this opens up additional job opportunities for them. To become a CPA, you will need to earn college credits over and above your accounting __________, gain some work __________, and, most importantly, you will need to __________ the CPA Exam.
become |
[ bɪˈkʌm ] |
Ставати |
dependent |
[ dɪˈpen.dənt ] |
Залежний |
experience |
[ ɪkˈspɪəriəns ] |
Досвід |
major |
[ ˈmeɪdʒə(r) ] |
Факультет, спеціалізація |
opportunities |
[ ˌɒp.əˈtjuː.nə.ti ] |
Можливість |
pass |
[ pɑːs ] |
Здати (іспит) |
require |
[ rɪˈkwaɪə(r) ] |
Вимагати |
thorough |
[ ˈθʌrə ] |
ретельний |
Accounting Jobs and Opportunities
There exists today a wide range of job opportunities in the field of accounting.
Entry-level jobs are dependent on the extent of your education. Positions of bookkeeper and accounting clerk, for example, require a high school diploma and perhaps a two-year associate degree in accounting. The position of accountant demands that you have a more thorough understanding of financial concepts and so requires a minimum of a four-year bachelor's degree in accounting. Some accountants go on to become certified public accountants, or CPAs, as this opens up additional job opportunities for them. To become a CPA, you will need to earn college credits over and above your accounting major, gain some work experience, and, most importantly, you will need to pass the CPA Exam.
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