1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
assume - provide - reflects - software - workforce
Who is such an accountant?
Annual Salary Range
Full-time: $18,000 to $40,000+
The salary range __________ differences in job responsibilities, the size and type of employer, and the supply and demand of bookkeepers in a given geographic area.
Educational Requirement
Some bookkeepers enter the __________ with a two-year associate degree in accounting, while others enter with a high school diploma and an expectation that the employer will __________ on-the-job training. If you are hired as a bookkeeper, you should __________ that you will need some experience (either formal or on-the-job) in the use of accounting __________. Bookkeepers are not expected to have a four-year degree in accounting.
assume |
[ əˈsjuːm ] |
Допускати |
provide |
[ prəˈvaɪd ] |
Надавати |
reflects |
[ rɪˈflekt ] |
Відображати |
software |
[ ˈsɒftweə(r) ] |
Програмне забезпечення |
workforce |
[ ˈwɜːk.fɔːs ] |
Рабоча сила |
Who is such an accountant?
Annual Salary Range
Full-time: $18,000 to $40,000+
The salary range reflects differences in job responsibilities, the size and type of employer, and the supply and demand of bookkeepers in a given geographic area.
Educational Requirement
Some bookkeepers enter the workforce with a two-year associate degree in accounting, while others enter with a high school diploma and an expectation that the employer will provide on-the-job training. If you are hired as a bookkeeper, you should assume that you will need some experience (either formal or on-the-job) in the use of accounting software. Bookkeepers are not expected to have a four-year degree in accounting.
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