1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
assist - consistent - corresponding - inventory - investigate
narrowly - occur - perform - primary
What is an Accounting Clerk?
Annual Salary Range
Full-time: $18,000 to $40,000+
Types of Tasks and Responsibilities
Companies large enough to have one or more accountants on staff are the companies that also hire accounting clerks to __________ the accountants with routine tasks. Whereas a bookkeeper is expected to __________ a range of basic financial responsibilities, the accounting clerk has a more __________ focused task, such as a payroll clerk, an accounts payable clerk, an accounts receivable clerk, an __________ clerk, or a cost clerk.
For example, your __________ responsibility as an accounts payable clerk at XYZ Company may be to compare the information on each supplier invoice to the information on XYZ's __________ purchase order and receiving ticket. If the information on these documents is __________, you process the supplier's invoice for payment. If the information is not consistent, you __________ and resolve the differences before payment can __________.
assist |
[ əˈsɪst ] |
Допомагати |
consistent |
[ kənˈsɪs.tənt ] |
Послідовний |
corresponding |
[ ˌkɒr.ɪˈspɒn.dɪŋ ] |
Відповідний |
inventory |
[ ˈɪn.vən.tər.i ] |
Запаси |
investigate |
[ ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt ] |
Розслідувати |
narrowly |
[ ˈnær.əʊ.li ] |
Вузько |
occur |
[ əˈkɜː(r) ] |
Виникати |
perform |
[ pəˈfɔːm ] |
Показувати результат |
primary |
[ ˈpraɪməri ] |
первинний |
What is an Accounting Clerk?
Annual Salary Range
Full-time: $18,000 to $40,000+
Types of Tasks and Responsibilities
Companies large enough to have one or more accountants on staff are the companies that also hire accounting clerks to assist the accountants with routine tasks. Whereas a bookkeeper is expected to perform a range of basic financial responsibilities, the accounting clerk has a more narrowly focused task, such as a payroll clerk, an accounts payable clerk, an accounts receivable clerk, an inventory clerk, or a cost clerk.
For example, your primary responsibility as an accounts payable clerk at XYZ Company may be to compare the information on each supplier invoice to the information on XYZ's corresponding purchase order and receiving ticket. If the information on these documents is consistent, you process the supplier's invoice for payment. If the information is not consistent, you investigate and resolve the differences before payment can occur.
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