1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
bachelor's – behavior – cost – aw – major - meet – qualify - tatistics
Who is such an accountant?
Annual Salary Range
Full-time: $40,000 to $80,000+
Educational Requirement
Accountants are expected to have a __________ degree in accounting from a four-year college or university. Of the 120 semester credits needed for the degree, approximately 30-36 of these credits will be in accounting courses such as financial accounting, __________ accounting, income tax, consolidations, auditing, and accounting systems. Also required within the 120 credits are business courses such as organizational __________, marketing, business __________, computer systems, business __________, economics, and administrative policy.
While a bachelor's degree in accounting will _________ you to be an accountant, it will not __________ today's requirements for becoming a certified public accountant (CPA). That is why some colleges and universities now offer both an accounting __________ as well as a 150-credit degree program that qualifies you to take the CPA Exam.
bachelor's |
[ ˈbætʃ.əl.ər ] |
Бакалавр |
behavior |
[ bɪˈheɪ.vjər ] |
Поведінка |
cost |
[ kɒst ] |
Собівартість |
law |
[ lɔː ] |
Закон |
major |
[ ˈmeɪdʒə(r) ] |
Факультет, спеціалізація |
meet |
[ miːt ] |
Виконувати |
qualify |
[ ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ ] |
Підходити під вимоги |
statistics |
[ stəˈtɪs.tɪk ] |
Статистика |
What is an Accountant?
Annual Salary Range
Full-time: $40,000 to $80,000+
Educational Requirement
Accountants are expected to have a bachelor's degree in accounting from a four-year college or university. Of the 120 semester credits needed for the degree, approximately 30-36 of these credits will be in accounting courses such as financial accounting, cost accounting, income tax, consolidations, auditing, and accounting systems. Also required within the 120 credits are business courses such as organizational behavior, marketing, business statistics, computer systems, business law, economics, and administrative policy.
While a bachelor's degree in accounting will qualify you to be an accountant, it will not meet today's requirements for becoming a certified public accountant (CPA). That is why some colleges and universities now offer both an accounting major as well as a 150-credit degree program that qualifies you to take the CPA Exam.
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