1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
earn - etiquette - experience - familiar - improve - in advance
join - models - potential - profits - regardless - up
Getting the Job
__________ of the accounting position you seek, here are some suggestions to better prepare yourself:
Before You Need a Job
- Continually __________ yourself. Small consistent improvements add __________. For example, if you are not __________ with accounting software, take a night class to learn QuickBooks.
- Network. __________ a professional organization and begin networking __________ of the need to find a job.
- Get the __________ that employers look for. Consider volunteering bookkeeping services to a local church or not-for-profit organization.
- Learn about business __________. Understand how companies __________ revenues and turn __________.
- Learn basic __________. Know manners and other social skills before you have lunch with a __________ employer.
earn |
[ ɜːn ] |
Заробляти |
etiquette |
[ ˈet.ɪ.ket ] |
Етикет |
experience |
[ ɪkˈspɪəriəns ] |
Досвід |
familiar |
[ fəˈmɪliə(r) ] |
Знайомий |
improve |
[ ɪmˈpruːv ] |
Покращувати |
in advance |
[ ɪn ] [ ədˈvɑːns ] |
Наперед |
join |
[ dʒɔɪn ] |
Приєднуватися |
models |
[ ˈmɒd.əl ] |
Модель |
potential |
[ pəˈtenʃl ] |
Потенційний |
profits |
[ ˈprɒf.ɪt ] |
Прибуток |
regardless |
[ rɪˈɡɑːd.ləs ] |
Незалежно, не дивлячись на |
up |
[ ʌp ] |
вверх |
Getting the Job
Regardless of the accounting position you seek, here are some suggestions to better prepare yourself:
Before You Need a Job
- Continually improve yourself. Small consistent improvements add up. For example, if you are not familiar with accounting software, take a night class to learn QuickBooks.
- Network. Join a professional organization and begin networking in advance of the need to find a job.
- Get the experience that employers look for. Consider volunteering bookkeeping services to a local church or not-for-profit organization.
- Learn about business models. Understand how companies earn revenues and turn profits.
- Learn basic etiquette. Know manners and other social skills before you have lunch with a potential employer.
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