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How to become an accountant: перевір свою фінансову англійську

Продовжуємо вивчати лексику з "Practical Financial English". Цього разу пропонуємо Вашій увазі слова, які допоможуть ознайомитися з професією бухгалтера

How to become an accountant: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

cogs - eye - familiarity - fit - handle - lone - math 

must - receipts - record -reliable - required - track 


 How do I become a Bookkeeper?

General Introduction

Those who have an understanding of ________- and a head for figures, along with an _______ for detail and accuracy might find employment as a bookkeeper a perfect _______ for your skillset and personality.  Bookkeepers are important ________ in any work environment. They keep close ______ of all of a company’s accounts, record its daily financial transactions, and that includes using software like QuickBooks or Account Edge Pro to _________ entries, edits, and credits.


The image of the ______ individual huddled at a desk, late at night underneath a lamp with pencil in hand notating in a large ledger book every financial transaction made by his company is largely a thing of the past with big organizations. Knowledge of computer accounting programs used to track and __________ the financial transactions and records of a company is a skillset that can find you a job. Having MS-Excel skills are sometimes also ___________ by employers.


In summary, software skills and data entry skills are a _________.  After all, bookkeepers must quickly and accurately enter financial data and other information from ___________ and bills into databases, spreadsheets, and accounting software. And while software programs __________ calculations, bookkeepers will sometimes have to use their own mathematical ability to understand transactions. __________ with double-entry bookkeeping procedure is also a skillset that can help bookkeepers work more accurately and, therefore, more efficiently. But most important, having good communication skills (you might have to explain financial matters to clients, meet with executives), being honest, and ___________ are keys to success.





[ kɒɡ ]



[ aɪ ]



[ fəˌmɪl.iˈær.ə.ti ]

хороша проінформованість


[ fɪt ]



[ ˈhændl ]



[ ləʊn ]

самотній, відокремлений


[ mæθ ]



[ məst ]

необхідність, вимога


[ rɪˈsiːt ]

касові чеки


[ ˈrekɔːd ]



[ rɪˈlaɪə.bl̩ ]



[ rɪˈkwaɪər ]


track (2)

[ træk ]




[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 

 How do I become a Bookkeeper?

General Introduction

Those who have an understanding of math and a head for figures, along with an eye for detail and accuracy might find employment as a bookkeeper a perfect fit for your skillset and personality.  Bookkeepers are important cogs in any work environment. They keep close track of all of a company’s accounts, record its daily financial transactions, and that includes using software like QuickBooks or Account Edge Pro to track entries, edits, and credits.


The image of the lone individual huddled at a desk, late at night underneath a lamp with pencil in hand notating in a large ledger book every financial transaction made by his company is largely a thing of the past with big organizations. Knowledge of computer accounting programs used to track and record the financial transactions and records of a company is a skillset that can find you a job. Having MS-Excel skills are sometimes also required by employers.

In summary, software skills and data entry skills are a must.  After all, bookkeepers must quickly and accurately enter financial data and other information from receipts and bills into databases, spreadsheets, and accounting software. And while software programs handle calculations, bookkeepers will sometimes have to use their own mathematical ability to understand transactions. Familiarity with double-entry bookkeeping procedure is also a skillset that can help bookkeepers work more accurately and, therefore, more efficiently. But most important, having good communication skills (you might have to explain financial matters to clients, meet with executives), being honest, and reliable are keys to success.


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Автор: FBE School

Рубрика: «Дебет-Кредит»/Новини партнерів

Зверніть увагу: новинна стрічка «Дебету-Кредиту» містить не тільки редакційні матеріали, але також статті сторонніх авторів, роз'яснення співробітників фіскальної служби тощо.

Дані матеріали, а також коментарі до них, відображають виключно точку зору їх авторів і можуть не співпадати з точкою зору редакції. Редакція не ідентифікує особи коментаторів, не модерує тексти коментарів та не несе відповідальності за їх зміст.

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