1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
assess - compliance - discrepancies - due date - file - happen
overtime - review - rigid - separate - start - support - transactions - vary
What an Accounting Job Looks Like
People who finish an accountancy degree can work in a firm or _________ their own private business. Working hours as an accountant ______ by firm. There are accounting firms that are open 7 days a week and accounting services that require some amount of _____________.
Busy periods for accountants usually _________ from the end of February up to April 15th. This is the time when their clients _______ their tax returns. Another busy period for accountants is from late August to the 15th of October. This is the final _____________ for taxpayers who have received a six-month extension from the IRS. During those times, an accountant may work late nights until 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on most Saturdays.
Aside from these periods, accountants spend most of their time managing clients’ financial _____________. This is done through ________ documentation in the form of loss and profit statements, tax documents, payroll reports and receipts. They also _________ a company’s finances into different categories while maintaining running totals of how much their clients spend and earn with various parts of their businesses.
Accountants __________ the business practices and financial health of individuals and companies in order to advise them. They also look for ways that businesses can increase profit and revenue while minimizing loss. They may also voice opposition or _________ business decisions that include acquisitions, mergers, market growth and changes in benefits for employees. At the same time, they _________ and audit financial statements to ensure __________ with government regulations and accuracy. They also look for _____________ that include missing revenue and unpaid expenses.
assess |
[ əˈses ] |
оцінювати |
compliance |
[ kəmˈplaɪ.əns ] |
відповідність |
discrepancies |
[ dɪˈskrep.ən.si ] |
розбіжності |
due date |
[ djuː deɪt ] |
термін здачі звітності |
file |
[ faɪl ] |
подавати звітність в держоргани |
happen |
[ ˈhæpən ] |
відбуватися, траплятися |
overtime |
[ ˈəʊ.və.taɪm ] |
понаднормовий |
review |
[ rɪˈvjuː ] |
огляд |
rigid |
[ ˈrɪdʒ.ɪd ] |
жорсткий |
separate |
[ ˈseprət ] |
розділяти |
start |
[ stɑːt ] |
починати |
support |
[ səˈpɔːt ] |
підтримувати |
transactions |
[ trænˈzæk.ʃən ] |
операції |
vary |
[ ˈveəri ] |
варіюватися |
What an Accounting Job Looks Like
People who finish an accountancy degree can work in a firm or start their own private business. Working hours as an accountant vary by firm. There are accounting firms that are open 7 days a week and accounting services that require some amount of overtime.
Busy periods for accountants usually happen from the end of February up to April 15th. This is the time when their clients file their tax returns. Another busy period for accountants is from late August to the 15th of October. This is the final due date for taxpayers who have received a six-month extension from the IRS. During those times, an accountant may work late nights until 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on most Saturdays.
Aside from these periods, accountants spend most of their time managing clients’ financial transactions. This is done through rigid documentation in the form of loss and profit statements, tax documents, payroll reports and receipts. They also separate a company’s finances into different categories while maintaining running totals of how much their clients spend and earn with various parts of their businesses.
Accountants assess the business practices and financial health of individuals and companies in order to advise them. They also look for ways that businesses can increase profit and revenue while minimizing loss. They may also voice opposition or support business decisions that include acquisitions, mergers, market growth and changes in benefits for employees. At the same time, they review and audit financial statements to ensure compliance with government regulations and accuracy. They also look for discrepancies that include missing revenue and unpaid expenses.
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