1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
accountancy - advance - continuing - effectively
employment - field - filled - graduates - hired - require
Education and Training
Most auditor and accountant positions are ___________ by people who have at least a bachelor’s degree in accountancy or a related ___________. Beginning auditing and accounting positions in the federal government and the private sector usually _____________ four years of college education or an equivalent combination of experience and education.
A number of employers prefer accountancy ___________ who either have a master’s degree in accountancy or a master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in ____________. At the same time, some colleges and universities are now providing programs that help prepare to students find ____________ in many growing specialty professions that include internal auditing.
Professional accounting associations also provide ___________ education conferences, courses and seminars. Additionally, some graduates of correspondence schools, business schools and junior colleges as well as accounting clerks and bookkeepers who meet the experience and education requirements can be ___________ for junior accounting positions. They can ______________ to accountant positions if they can _______________ demonstrate their skills at work.
accountancy |
[ əˈkaʊn.tən.si ] |
ведення обліку |
advance |
[ ədˈvɑːns ] |
просуватися |
continuing |
[ kənˈtɪn.juː ] |
продовження |
effectively |
[ ɪˈfektɪvli ] |
ефективно |
employment |
[ ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ] |
занятість |
field |
[ fiːld ] |
сфера, галузь |
filled |
[ fɪl ] |
заповнюватися |
graduates |
[ ˈɡrædʒ.u.ət ] |
випускники університетів |
hired |
[ haɪər ] |
найнятий |
require |
[ rɪˈkwaɪə(r) ] |
вимагати |
Education and Training
Most auditor and accountant positions are filled by people who have at least a bachelor’s degree in accountancy or a related field. Beginning auditing and accounting positions in the federal government and the private sector usually require four years of college education or an equivalent combination of experience and education.
A number of employers prefer accountancy graduates who either have a master’s degree in accountancy or a master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in accountancy. At the same time, some colleges and universities are now providing programs that help prepare to students find employment in many growing specialty professions that include internal auditing.
Professional accounting associations also provide continuing education conferences, courses and seminars. Additionally, some graduates of correspondence schools, business schools and junior colleges as well as accounting clerks and bookkeepers who meet the experience and education requirements can be hired for junior accounting positions. They can advance to accountant positions if they can effectively demonstrate their skills at work.
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