1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
accomplish - credentials - day-to-day - industry - intuitive - key - likely
master - motivate - paperless - replaced - software - traits - worth
CFO: Skillset
In order to perform their jobs on a __________basis, Chief Financial Officers need to have mastered basic skillsets in mathematics, organization, planning, and personal and public finance. Because CFOs work within the service ________ known as “assurance services,” they generally have the goal of providing specialized financial information to ______ decision-makers in order to assure they make the most informed decisions regarding their company’s finances. That also means CFOs should have good people skills, since they will very __________ be interacting with and directing company personnel whose finances they manage on a regular basis.
On a more technical level, CFOs should also be comfortable with some of the more common ____________ used for financial management in their industry, as well as be aware of new _____________ trends in the profession, such as using cloud-based financial management software, providing online forms to clients, and asking for e-signatures. In other words, rather than worrying about being _________- by technology, today’s CFO should be working to __________ it.
And now for the intangibles. There are certain character __________ a CFO should have that are difficult to find and replace, such as the _________ ability to lead their company to make financial decisions whose risks are __________ their rewards, as well as the ability to coach and _________ a team of individuals to _________ company goals. CFOs should also have exemplary financial and risk managements skills, as well as the charisma and ______________ to get their company’s foot in the door for new business development opportunities.
accomplish |
виконувати |
credentials |
[ krɪˈden.ʃəl ] |
повноваження |
day-to-day |
[ deɪ tə deɪ] |
щоденний |
industry |
[ ˈɪndəstri ] |
галузь |
intuitive |
[ ɪnˈtjuː.ɪ.tɪv ] |
інтуїтивний |
key |
[ kiː ] |
ключевий |
likely |
[ ˈlaɪkli ] |
ймовірний |
master |
[ ˈmɑːstə(r) ] |
опановувати, засвоїти |
motivate |
[ ˈməʊ.tɪ.veɪt ] |
мотивувати |
paperless |
[ ˈpeɪpəlɪs ] |
безпаперовий |
replaced |
[ rɪˈpleɪs ] |
замінений |
software |
[ ˈsɒftweə(r) ] |
програмне забезпечення |
traits |
[ treɪt ] |
риси |
worth |
[ wɜːθ ] |
вартий |
CFO: Skillset
In order to perform their jobs on a day-to-day basis, Chief Financial Officers need to have mastered basic skillsets in mathematics, organization, planning, and personal and public finance. Because CFOs work within the service industry known as “assurance services,” they generally have the goal of providing specialized financial information to key decision-makers in order to assure they make the most informed decisions regarding their company’s finances. That also means CFOs should have good people skills, since they will very likely be interacting with and directing company personnel whose finances they manage on a regular basis.
On a more technical level, CFOs should also be comfortable with some of the more common software used for financial management in their industry, as well as be aware of new paperless trends in the profession, such as using cloud-based financial management software, providing online forms to clients, and asking for e-signatures. In other words, rather than worrying about being replaced by technology, today’s CFO should be working to master it.
And now for the intangibles. There are certain character traits a CFO should have that are difficult to find and replace, such as the intuitive ability to lead their company to make financial decisions whose risks are worth their rewards, as well as the ability to coach and motivate a team of individuals to accomplish company goals. CFOs should also have exemplary financial and risk managements skills, as well as the charisma and credentials to get their company’s foot in the door for new business development opportunities.
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