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Personal Income Tax: перевір свою фінансову англійську

Продовжуємо вивчати лексику з "Practical Financial English". Цього разу пропонуємо Вашій увазі слова на тему податку на доходи фізосіб

Personal Income Tax: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

aid - alienation - at  - behalf - charities - contributions - exempt - file

in kind - proceeds - remuneration - return - source  - taxable - taxed 


Personal Income Tax (Ukraine)

Basis – Residents are _____________ on their worldwide income. Nonresidents are taxed only on Ukrainian-_____________ income.

Filing status – Joint filing is not allowed in Ukraine; each individual must _____________ his/her own _____________.

Taxable income – Income is taxable whether obtained in cash or _____________. Taxable income includes employment income (including in-kind benefits); _____________ from trading or professional activities (including proceeds from intellectual property); proceeds from the _____________ of property; gifts and prizes; insurance payments; dividends and interest; investment income; and contributions to unqualified pension plans made on _____________ of a taxpayer by another person/employer.

Deductions and allowances – Deductions are available for social security _____________, mortgage interest (for real estate located in Ukraine), contributions to listed _____________, educational expenses for the taxpayer and his/her immediate relatives and medical expenses (limited amounts).

Rates – The general personal income tax rate applied to employment income is 18%.

There are number of specific income types _____________ from personal income tax (i.e. interest on government bonds, state _____________ for low income families, etc.).

A temporary military duty of 1.5% of taxable personal income applies to salary, other incentive and compensatory payments and other benefits and _____________ accrued (paid or provided) to a taxpayer.

Dividend income obtained by resident individuals from resident entities is taxed _____________ a rate of 5%. Other passive income is _____________ at 18%.

Tax year – Calendar year.






[ eɪd ]



[ ˌeɪ.li.əˈneɪ.ʃən ]



[ ət ]



[ bɪˈhɑːf ]

від імені


[ ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti ]

благодійні організації


[ ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn ]



[ ɪɡˈzempt ]



[ faɪl ]

здавати звіт в податкову

in kind

[ ɪn ] [ kaɪnd ]



[ prəˈsiːd ]

доходи від продажів


[ rɪˌmjuː.nərˈeɪ.ʃən ]



[ rɪˈtɜːn ]



[ sɔːs ]



[ ˈtæk.sə.bl̩ ]



[ tækst ]

обкладатися податком



[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 

Personal Income Tax (Ukraine)

Basis – Residents are taxable on their worldwide income. Nonresidents are taxed only on Ukrainian-source income.

Filing status – Joint filing is not allowed in Ukraine; each individual must file his/her own return.

Taxable income – Income is taxable whether obtained in cash or in kind. Taxable income includes employment income (including in-kind benefits); proceeds from trading or professional activities (including proceeds from intellectual property); proceeds from the alienation of property; gifts and prizes; insurance payments; dividends and interest; investment income; and contributions to unqualified pension plans made on behalf of a taxpayer by another person/employer.

Deductions and allowances – Deductions are available for social security contributions, mortgage interest (for real estate located in Ukraine), contributions to listed charities, educational expenses for the taxpayer and his/her immediate relatives and medical expenses (limited amounts).

Rates – The general personal income tax rate applied to employment income is 18%.

There are number of specific income types exempt from personal income tax (i.e. interest on government bonds, state aid for low income families, etc.).

A temporary military duty of 1.5% of taxable personal income applies to salary, other incentive and compensatory payments and other benefits and remuneration accrued (paid or provided) to a taxpayer.

Dividend income obtained by resident individuals from resident entities is taxed at a rate of 5%. Other passive income is taxed at 18%.

Tax year – Calendar year.


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Автор: FBE School

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