1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
collateral - imply - penalty - rent - secure - service charges
stipulates - tenant - terminated - whereas
Leases of land
The term 'tenancy' describes a lease in which the tangible property is land. A premium is an amount paid by the _________ for the lease to be granted or to _________ the former tenant's lease, often in order to secure a low _________, in long leases termed a ground rent.
For parts of buildings it is most common for users to pay also by _________ contract, or by the same contract, a service charge which is normally an express list of services in a lease to minimize disputes over _________ _________. A gross lease or tenancy _________ a rent that is for the global amount due including all service charges.
A cancelable lease is a lease that may be _________ solely by the lessee or solely by the lessor without _________. A mutually determinable lease can be determined by either. A non-cancelable lease is a lease that cannot be so terminated. Commonly, "lease" may _________ a non-cancelable lease, _________ "rental agreement" may mean a cancelable lease.
collateral |
[ kəˈlæt.ər.əl ] |
застава, забезпечення |
imply |
[ ɪmˈplaɪ ] |
мати на увазі |
penalty |
[ ˈpen.əl.ti ] |
штраф |
rent |
[ rent ] |
орендна плата |
secure |
[ sɪˈkjʊə(r) ] |
забезпечити |
service charges |
[ ˈsɜːvɪs ] [ tʃɑːdʒ ] |
рахунки за послуги |
stipulates |
[ ˈstɪp.jʊ.leɪt ] |
обумовлювати |
tenant |
[ ˈten.ənt ] |
орендатор |
terminated |
[ ˈtɜː.mɪ.neɪt ] |
завершити, розірвати (контракт) |
whereas |
[ ˌweərˈæz ] |
в той час як |
Leases of land
The term 'tenancy' describes a lease in which the tangible property is land. A premium is an amount paid by the tenant for the lease to be granted or to secure the former tenant's lease, often in order to secure a low rent, in long leases termed a ground rent.
For parts of buildings it is most common for users to pay also by collateral contract, or by the same contract, a service charge which is normally an express list of services in a lease to minimize disputes over service charges. A gross lease or tenancy stipulates a rent that is for the global amount due including all service charges.
A cancelable lease is a lease that may be terminated solely by the lessee or solely by the lessor without penalty. A mutually determinable lease can be determined by either. A non-cancelable lease is a lease that cannot be so terminated. Commonly, "lease" may imply a non-cancelable lease, whereas "rental agreement" may mean a cancelable lease.
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