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Leases of land — 3: перевір свою фінансову англійську

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Leases of land — 3: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

alienation - bind - breach - circumvent - compulsory 

covenants - forfeiture - terminate - title 


Leases of land (continued)

To _________ privity of estate which is the general principle flowing from privity of contract, laws exist in several jurisdictions to _________ subtenants to some of the restrictive _________ (terms) of the headlease, for instance in England and Wales those which have been held by courts to touch and concern the land.

A transfer of a remaining interest in a lease, assignment, is a type of (_________) is often possible and an implied rights to assign exist by _________ law or as a default position in some jurisdictions. Sharing or parting with possession can be a _________ of certain leases resulting in action for _________.


Enfranchisement is the obtaining of the landlord's _________ and is most commonly negotiated with the landlord where a tenant pays only a ground rent. Merger is where the landlord and tenant happen to be the same and can _________ a lease where there are no subtenants in certain jurisdictions.





[ ˌeɪ.li.əˈneɪ.ʃən ]



[ baɪnd ]



[ briːtʃ ]



[ ˌsɜː.kəmˈvent ]



[ kəmˈpʌl.sər.i ]



[ ˈkʌv.ən.ənt ]

ковенанти, умови


[ ˈfɔː.fɪ.tʃər ]



[ ˈtɜː.mɪ.neɪt ]

припиняти, розривати


[ ˈtaɪtl ]

майнове право



[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 

Leases of land (continued)

To circumvent privity of estate which is the general principle flowing from privity of contract, laws exist in several jurisdictions to bind subtenants to some of the restrictive covenants (terms) of the headlease, for instance in England and Wales those which have been held by courts to touch and concern the land.

A transfer of a remaining interest in a lease, assignment, is a type of (alienation) is often possible and an implied rights to assign exist by compulsory law or as a default position in some jurisdictions. Sharing or parting with possession can be a breach of certain leases resulting in action for forfeiture.


Enfranchisement is the obtaining of the landlord's title and is most commonly negotiated with the landlord where a tenant pays only a ground rent. Merger is where the landlord and tenant happen to be the same and can terminate a lease where there are no subtenants in certain jurisdictions.


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