1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
drop-off - extended - late returns
non-refundable - prior to - provisions - top up
Provisions specific to car rental — 3
Further terms of a car rental agreement may include added fees for _________, _____ ____at a different location, or failure to _________ the petrol immediately before the return.
Finally, there may be _________ for making a _________ deposit with a booking, terms for payment of the initial period (with discounts, vouchers, etc.), _________ periods, and any damages or other fees that accrue _____ ____the return.
drop-off |
[ drɒp ] [ ɒf ] |
залишити (кинути) авто |
extended |
[ ɪkˈsten.dɪd ] |
продовжувати |
late returns |
[ leɪt ] [ rɪˈtɜːn ] |
повернення із запізненням |
non-refundable |
[ nɔn ] [ rɪˈfʌndəbl ] |
що не відшкодовується |
prior to |
[ ˈpraɪə(r) ] [ tə ] |
до, перш |
provisions |
[ prəˈvɪʒ.ən ] |
положення |
top up |
[ tɒp ] [ ʌp ] |
долити (бензин) |
Provisions specific to car rental — 3
Further terms of a car rental agreement may include added fees for late returns, drop-off at a different location, or failure to top up the petrol immediately before the return.
Finally, there may be provisions for making a non-refundable deposit with a booking, terms for payment of the initial period (with discounts, vouchers, etc.), extended periods, and any damages or other fees that accrue prior to the return.
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