1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
damage - forfeit - held - interest - inventory services - prior - protection
provide - submit - surrendered - to carry out - wear and tear
Security deposit
The security deposit is often handled as an escrow deposit, owned by the tenant, but held by the landlord until the premises are _________ in good condition (ordinary _________ excepted). In some states, the landlord must _________ the tenant with the name and account number of the bank where the security deposit is _________, and pay annual _________ to the tenant. Other regulations may require the landlord to _________ a list of pre-existing _________ to the property, or _________ the security deposit immediately (because there is no way to determine whether a _________ tenant was responsible). In UK the government has introduced deposit _________ scheme leading to several property _________ which can optionally be used _________ an inventory.
damage |
[ ˈdæmɪdʒ ] |
збиток |
forfeit |
[ ˈfɔː.fɪt ] |
конфіскувати |
held |
[ held ] |
тримати |
interest |
[ ˈɪntrəst ] |
відсоток |
inventory services |
[ˈɪn.vən.tər.i][ˈsɜː.vɪs] |
послуги інвентаризації |
prior |
[ ˈpraɪə(r) ] |
до |
protection |
[ prəˈtekʃn ] |
захист |
provide |
[ prəˈvaɪd ] |
надавати |
submit |
[ səbˈmɪt ] |
здавати, надавати |
surrendered |
[ sərˈen.dər ] |
відмова |
to carry out |
[ tə ] [ ˈkæri ] [ aʊt ] |
виконувати |
wear and tear |
[weə(r)][ənd][teə(r)] |
фізичний знос |
Security deposit
The security deposit is often handled as an escrow deposit, owned by the tenant, but held by the landlord until the premises are surrendered in good condition (ordinary wear and tear excepted). In some states, the landlord must provide the tenant with the name and account number of the bank where the security deposit is held, and pay annual interest to the tenant. Other regulations may require the landlord to submit a list of pre-existing damage to the property, or forfeit the security deposit immediately (because there is no way to determine whether a prior tenant was responsible). In UK the government has introduced deposit protection scheme leading to several property inventory services which can optionally be used to carry out an inventory.
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