1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
down-market - liable - originally - overages
owed - remaining - secure - stipulate
Sublease — 2
The sublessor remains _________ to the original lessor in accordance with the initial lease, including all _________ rent payments, including operating expenses and all other original lease terms. In a _________, the original lessee may require a lower rent payment from the sublessee than what he or she may have _________ paid, leaving the remaining rent owed to the lessor to be paid by the original lessee. However, if market prices have increased since the original lease was signed, the sublessor might be able to _________ a higher rent price than what is _________ the original lessor. However, many commercial leases _________ that any _________ in rent be shared with the landlord, the lessor.
down-market |
[ daʊn ] [ ˈmɑːkɪt ] |
падаючий ринок |
liable |
[ ˈlaɪ.ə.bl̩ ] |
відповідальний |
originally |
[ əˈrɪdʒənəli ] |
спочатку |
overages |
[ ˌəʊ.vəˈreɪdʒ ] |
переплати |
owed |
[ əʊ ] |
бути винним |
remaining |
[ rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ ] |
залишився |
secure |
[ sɪˈkjʊə(r) ] |
забезпечити |
stipulate |
[ ˈstɪp.jʊ.leɪt ] |
обумовлювати |
Sublease — 2
The sublessor remains liable to the original lessor in accordance with the initial lease, including all remaining rent payments, including operating expenses and all other original lease terms. In a down-market, the original lessee may require a lower rent payment from the sublessee than what he or she may have originally paid, leaving the remaining rent owed to the lessor to be paid by the original lessee. However, if market prices have increased since the original lease was signed, the sublessor might be able to secure a higher rent price than what is owed the original lessor. However, many commercial leases stipulate that any overages in rent be shared with the landlord, the lessor.
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