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Termination of lease at will: перевір свою фінансову англійську

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Termination of lease at will: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

аttempts - commits - criminal enterprise – differ 

discretion - еxplicitly – granting – reciprocal – transfers 

Termination of lease at will

If a lease exists at the sole _________ of the landlord, the law of the jurisdiction may imply that the tenant is granted, by operation of law, a _________ right to terminate the lease at will. However, a lease that _________ exists at the will of the tenant (e.g. "for as long as the tenant desires to live on this land") generally does not imply that the landlord may terminate the lease; rather, such language may be interpreted as _________ the tenant a life estate or even a fee simple.

A tenancy at will is broken, again by operation of law, if the:

  • Tenant _________ waste against the property;
  • Tenant _________ to assign the tenancy;
  • Tenant uses the property to operate a _________;
  • Landlord _________ his/her interest in the property;
  • Landlord leases the property to another person;
  • Tenant or landlord dies.


The specifics of these rules _________ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.




[ əˈtempt ]



[ kəˈmɪt ]


criminal enterprise


кримінальний бізнес


[ ˈdɪf.ər ]



[ dɪˈskreʃ.ən ]



[ ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt ]



[ ɡrɑːnt ]



[ rɪˈsɪp.rə.kəl ]



[ trænsˈfɜːr ]




[ Див. правильну відповідь ]  

Termination of lease at will

If a lease exists at the sole discretion of the landlord, the law of the jurisdiction may imply that the tenant is granted, by operation of law, a reciprocal right to terminate the lease at will. However, a lease that explicitly exists at the will of the tenant (e.g. "for as long as the tenant desires to live on this land") generally does not imply that the landlord may terminate the lease; rather, such language may be interpreted as granting the tenant a life estate or even a fee simple.

A tenancy at will is broken, again by operation of law, if the:

  • Tenant commits waste against the property;
  • Tenant attempts to assign the tenancy;
  • Tenant uses the property to operate a criminal enterprise;
  • Landlord transfers his/her interest in the property;
  • Landlord leases the property to another person;
  • Tenant or landlord dies.

The specifics of these rules differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


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Автор: FBE School

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