Insert the appropriate word:
Communicate associate degree appropriate resolution
rejecting loan requests bachelor's degree implement obtain
essential overall particular need objectives
participate goals solution
You will be expected to learn, understand, interpret, and .… all of the .… policies of the bank. This is important when you service each customer in the .… manner.
You will also be expected to … in approving and …. …. …. You will need to be a .… provider for customers by helping them to find the correct banking product for their … ….
A bank officer is also responsible for managing the …. operations of the bank. You must remain professional at all times and help to bring problems to a …. Strong understanding of the bank's .… and .… is key. You will be expected to .… this vision to the staff on a regular basis.
An …. …. in accounting or finance is a minimum requirement in most cases. Some banks require a ….
.… in management, finance, accounting or business to …. a bank officer position.
associate degree |
[əʹsəʋsıeit] [dıʹgri:] |
степень Ассоциата (диплом колледжей с двухгодичным курсом) |
bachelor's degree |
[ʹbætʃ(ə)ləz] [dıʹgri:] |
степень Бакалавра (диплом университета с четырехлетним курсом) |
essential |
[ıʹsenʃ(ə)l] |
важный, неотъемлемый, основной |
goal |
[gəʋl] |
цель (обычно более широкого значения) |
in the appropriate manner |
[ın] [ðə] [əʹprəʋprıet] [ʹmænə] |
соответствующим, должным образом |
loan request |
[ləʋn] [rıʹkwest] |
заявка на получение кредита |
objective |
[əbʹdʒektıv] |
цель (обычно более конкретного значения) |
overall |
[ʹəʋvərɔ:l] |
всеобщий |
particular need |
[pəʹtıkjulə] [ni:d] |
индивидуальная, особая потребность |
resolution |
[͵rez(ə)ʹlu:ʃ(ə)n] |
разрешение (какой-л. проблемы и т. п.) |
solution |
[səʹlu:ʃ(ə)n] |
решение (проблемы) |
to communicate |
[tu:] [kəʹmju:nıkeıt] |
разъяснять (информацию) |
to implement |
[tu:] [ʹımplımənt] |
внедрять |
to obtain |
[tu:] [əbʹteın] |
получать, приобретать |
to participate |
[tu:] [pɑ:ʹtısıpeıt] |
принимать участие |
to reject |
[tu:] [ʹri:dʒekt] |
отклонять |
You will be expected to learn, understand, interpret, and implement all of the essential policies of the bank. This is important when you service each customer in the appropriate manner.
You will also be expected to participate in approving and rejecting loan requests. You will need to be a solution provider for customers by helping them to find the correct banking product for their particular need.
A bank officer is also responsible for managing the overall operations of the bank. You must remain professional at all times and help to bring problems to a resolution. Strong understanding of the bank's goals and objectives is key. You will be expected to communicate this vision to the staff on a regular basis.
An associate degree in accounting or finance is a minimum requirement in most cases. Some banks require a bachelor's degree in management, finance, accounting or business to obtain a bank officer position.
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