Insert the appropriate word:
owes design implications disputes
ensure compliance with taxing agency requirements
affect filing tax liability participating compliant with
Tax accountants specialize in preparing taxes for private individuals, private and public companies including non-profits, and in some cases, government entities. Tax accountants also …. tax strategies to reduce the amount of taxes a client …. while remaining …. …. generally accepted accounting principles and the law. Tax accountants must interpret and understand tax law, and must occasionally explain tax law and its …. to clients. Common responsibilities for tax accountants include preparing and …. taxes, financial planning, attending and …. in strategy meetings with clients and others, preparing presentations and reports on tax situations, reporting, and law, and researching and reviewing past tax filings.
Tax accountants may advise clients on how to minimize …. …., inform them of any tax changes that …. their business and …. …. ….. Tax accountants are involved in any …. or audits that affect their clients.
compliantwith |
[kəmʹplaıənt] [wıð] |
в соответствии с |
dispute |
[(ʹ)dısʹpju:t] |
спор |
implications |
[͵ımplıʹkeıʃ(ə)n] |
финансовые последствия |
taxliability |
[tæks] [͵laıəʹbılıtı] |
налоговое обязательство |
toaffect |
[tu:] [ʹæfekt] |
влиять |
todesign |
[tu:] [dıʹzaın] |
разрабатывать |
to ensure compliance with requirements |
[tu:] [ınʹʃuə] [kəmʹplaıəns] [wıð] [rıʹkwaıəmənts] |
обеспечивать соответствие нормам законодательства |
tofile taxes |
[tu:] [faıl] [ʹtæksi:z] |
сдавать отчет в налоговые службы |
toowe |
[tu:] [əʋ] |
быть должным |
toparticipate |
[tu:] [pɑ:ʹtısıpeıt] |
принимать участие |
Tax accountants specialize in preparing taxes for private individuals, private and public companies including non-profits, and in some cases, government entities. Tax accountants also design tax strategies to reduce the amount of taxes a client owes while remaining compliant with generally accepted accounting principles and the law. Tax accountants must interpret and understand tax law, and must occasionally explain tax law and its implications to clients. Common responsibilities for tax accountants include preparing and filing taxes, financial planning, attending and participating in strategy meetings with clients and others, preparing presentations and reports on tax situations, reporting, and law, and researching and reviewing past tax filings.
Tax accountants may advise clients on how to minimize tax liability, inform them of any tax changes that affect their business and ensure compliance with taxing agency requirements. Tax accountants are involved in any disputes or audits that affect their clients.
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