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Sales Discount: перевір свою фінансову англійську

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Sales Discount: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

аmount – customers - in bulk - trade discount – wholesalers 

There are two types of discount: trade discount and cash discount. 

Trade discount refers to the outright reduction in the price of products sold to _______________ whey they buy _______________. Cash discount, on the other hand, is granted to _______________ for early payment.

Sales discount refers to reduction in the amount due as a result of early payment, hence pertaining to cash discounts. Trade discounts are not recorded as sales discounts. They are removed directly when recording sales. In other words, the _______________ recorded as sales is always at net of any _______________.





[ əˈmaʊnt ]



[ ˈkʌstəməz ]


in bulk

[ ɪn bʌlk ]


trade discount

[ treɪd ˈdɪskaʊnt ]

торгова знижка


[ ˈhəʊlseɪləz ]

оптовий торговець



[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 


There are two types of discount: trade discount and cash discount. 

Trade discount refers to the outright reduction in the price of products sold to wholesalers whey they buy in bulk. Cash discount, on the other hand, is granted to customers for early payment.

Sales discount refers to reduction in the amount due as a result of early payment, hence pertaining to cash discounts. Trade discounts are not recorded as sales discounts. They are removed directly when recording sales. In other words, the amount recorded as sales is always at net of any trade discount.


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Автор: FBE School

Рубрика: «Дебет-Кредит»/Новини партнерів

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