1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
Timely - advising -
defer - devise - accountable -
expected - issues -
reporting - undertake
Basic Function: The tax accountant position is ______________ for the collection of tax-related information, ______________ to taxation authorities in a ______________ manner, and ______________ management on the tax impact of various corporate strategies.
He/she has to ______________ tax strategies to ______________ tax payments. Also he should ______________ the coordination of outsourced tax preparation work. In addition, he/she is ______________ to negotiate with the tax authorities over tax payment ______________.
timely |
ˈtaɪmli |
своевременный |
to advise |
tə ədˈvaɪz |
консультировать |
to defer |
tə diˈfɜː |
отсрочивать |
to devise |
tə diˈvaɪz |
разрабатывать |
accountable |
əˈkauntəbl |
ответственный |
to expect |
tə ɪkˈspekt |
ожидать |
issue |
ˈɪʃuː |
вопрос |
toreport |
tə riːˈpɔt |
отчитываться (перед кем-либо) |
toundertake |
tə ˌ ʌ ndəˈteɪk |
брать на себя (обязанность |
Basic Function: The tax accountant position is accountable for the collection of tax-related information, reporting to taxation authorities in a timely manner, and advising management on the tax impact of various corporate strategies. He/she has to devise tax strategies to defer tax payments. Also he should undertake the coordination of outsourced tax preparation work. In addition, he/she is expected to negotiate with the tax authorities over tax payment issues.
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