1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
compile mortality premium rates design affect
evaluating detect risks expertise retirement variables
insurance policies design accidents adapt to fairly reliable
sickness disability mitigate risk
An actuary is a professional who is in charge of .… various types of risks. Most actuaries are employed by insurance companies, which use their …. to set the terms, conditions and …. …. for their …. ….. They are also hired by pension funds and various private companies to …. …. and help …. procedures that can help …. …..
The first and the most important responsibility of the actuary is to …. and review statistical data. Actuaries gather data on …. …. …. …. and …. within their community. They plug those …. into advanced statistical models to calculate how those variables would …. the insurance beneficiaries in the future. The data that is produced is …. …..
Another responsibility is contract review. They look to see if insurance policies take the risks they calculated into account and …. guidelines that would allow their employers to better …. those risks.
to affect |
[tu:] [ʹæfekt] |
влиять |
to compile |
[tu:] [kəmʹpaıl] |
собирать материал (из разных источников) |
to design |
[tu:] [dıʹzaın] |
разрабатывать |
expertise |
[͵ekspɜ:ʹti:z] |
квалификация |
fairly reliable |
[ʹfeəlı] [rıʹlaıəb(ə)l] |
вполне надежный |
to evaluate |
[tu:] [ıʹvæljʋeıt] |
оценивать |
insurance policy |
[ınʹʃʋ(ə)rəns] [ʹpɒlısı] |
страховой полис |
to mitigate risk |
[tu:] [ʹmıtıgeıt] [rısk] |
смягчать риск |
premiumrate |
[ʹpri:mıəm] [reıt] |
ставка страхового взноса |
variable |
[ʹve(ə)rıəb(ə)l] |
переменная величина |
to detect risks |
[tu:] [dıʹtekt] [rısk] |
определять, обнаруживать риски |
mortality |
[mɔ:ʹtælıtı] |
sickness |
[ʹsıknıs] |
болезнь |
accident |
[ʹæksıd(ə)nt] |
несчастный случай, авария |
disability |
[͵dısəʹbılıtı] |
нетрудоспособность; инвалидность |
retirement |
[rıʹtaıəmənt] |
выход на пенсию |
to adapt to risks |
[tu:] [əʹdæpt] [tu:] [rısk] |
приспосабливаться к рискам |
(переглянь правильний варіант)
An actuary is a professional who is in charge of evaluating various types of risks. Most actuaries are employed by insurance companies, which use their expertise to set the terms, conditions and premium rates for their insurance policies. They are also hired by pension funds and various private companies to detect risks and help design procedures that can help mitigate risk.
The first and the most important responsibility of the actuary is to compile and review statistical data. Actuaries gather data on mortality, sickness, accidents, disability and retirement within their community. They plug those variables into advanced statistical models to calculate how those variables would affect the insurance beneficiaries in the future. The data that is produced is fairly reliable.
Another responsibility is contract review. They look to see if insurance policies take the risks they calculated into account and design guidelines that would allow their employers to better adapt to those risks.
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