1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
chambers – dues – fundraising – pursue – refer – rely – unlike
Nonprofit Accounting
From churches to youth organizations to the local __________ of commerce, nonprofit organizations make our communities more livable places. __________ for-profit businesses that exist to generate profits for their owners, nonprofit organizations exist to __________ missions that address the needs of society. Nonprofit organizations serve in a variety of sectors, such as religious, education, health, social services, commerce, amateur sports clubs, and the arts.
Nonprofits do not have commercial owners and must __________ on funds from contributions, membership __________, program revenues, __________ events, public and private grants, and investment income.
Accountants often __________ to businesses as for-profit entities and to nonprofit organizations as not-for-profit entities. We will be using the more common term nonprofit instead of not-for-profit.
chambers |
[ ˈtʃeɪm.bər ] |
Палата |
dues |
[ djuː ] |
Збори |
fundraising |
[ ˈfʌndˌreɪ.zɪŋ ] |
по збору коштів |
pursue |
[ pəˈsjuː ] |
Переслідувати |
refer |
[ rɪˈfɜː(r) ] |
Відноситися |
rely |
[ rɪˈlaɪ ] |
Покладатися, залежати |
unlike |
[ ˌʌnˈlaɪk ] |
На відміну |
From churches to youth organizations to the local chambers of commerce, nonprofit organizations make our communities more livable places. Unlike for-profit businesses that exist to generate profits for their owners, nonprofit organizations exist to pursue missions that address the needs of society. Nonprofit organizations serve in a variety of sectors, such as religious, education, health, social services, commerce, amateur sports clubs, and the arts.
Nonprofits do not have commercial owners and must rely on funds from contributions, membership dues, program revenues, fundraising events, public and private grants, and investment income.
Accountants often refer to businesses as for-profit entities and to nonprofit organizations as not-for-profit entities. We will be using the more common term nonprofit instead of not-for-profit.
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