1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
affect - agencies - attention - communicate - comply
curiosity - in-house - knowledgeable - life-long
monitor - ongoing - proficient - skills - supervise
Who Hires Accountants?
Many companies are large enough and complex enough to require the __________ expertise of an __________accountant. As an accountant, you may find yourself working for a manufacturing firm, a hospital, a bank, an insurance company, or a brokerage firm. Accountants are also employed by federal government __________.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Being __________ in matters of finance and accounting is just one dimension of being a successful accountant. Employers know this, and will prefer to hire an accountant who, in addition to demonstrating excellent accounting __________, also possesses the following traits:
- Pays close __________ to details, but does not lose sight of how details __________ the bigger picture
- Is a problem solver; a strategic thinker
- Has a productive __________ about business systems (why a company is profitable, how it gets customers, etc.)
- Has good listening skills
- Can __________ complex financial information in a clear, straightforward manner
- Is a good supervisor; works well as a member of a team
Some accountants are generalists, while others prefer to specialize in a given area. For example, if you are hired as a cost accountant (or cost accounting manager) for a manufacturing company, you might __________ several cost clerks who work with you to calculate the costs of products manufactured, prepare cost estimates for potential sales of new products, and __________ the cost of raw materials, labor, and overhead.
Or, you might be responsible for analyzing a large corporation's general ledger account balances and preparing financial statements that __________ with generally accepted accounting principles. As such, you would supervise accounts payable clerks and payroll clerks. For this type of accounting, your title might be general ledger accountant, chief accountant, corporate accountant, accounting manager, or corporate controller.
Future Needs
As the world becomes more interconnected via global systems and international commerce, the need increases for accountants to be __________ in international accounting standards as well as new technologies that assist management in making decisions. In short, accountants will need to be __________ learners who work closely with people in such fields as marketing, production, information technology, and e-commerce.
affect |
[ əˈfekt ] |
Впливати |
agencies |
[ ˈeɪ.dʒən.si ] |
Відомства |
attention |
[ əˈtenʃn ] |
Увага |
communicate |
[ kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt ] |
Роз'яснювати, повідомляти |
comply |
[ kəmˈplaɪ ] |
Відповідати |
curiosity |
[ ˌkjʊə.riˈɒs.ɪ.ti ] |
Цікавість, допитливість |
in-house |
[ ɪn ] [ haʊs ] |
В штаті |
knowledgeable |
[ ˈnɒl.ɪ.dʒə.bl̩ ] |
Знаючий |
life-long |
[ laɪf ] [ lɒŋ ] |
Довічний |
monitor |
[ ˈmɒnɪtə(r) ] |
Відслідковувати |
ongoing |
[ ˈɒŋˌɡəʊ.ɪŋ ] |
Постійний, безперервний |
proficient |
[ prəˈfɪʃ.ənt ] |
професійний |
skills |
[ skɪl ] |
Навики |
supervise |
[ ˈsuː.pə.vaɪz ] |
контролювати |
Who Hires Accountants?
Many companies are large enough and complex enough to require the ongoing expertise of an in-house accountant. As an accountant, you may find yourself working for a manufacturing firm, a hospital, a bank, an insurance company, or a brokerage firm. Accountants are also employed by federal government agencies.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Being proficient in matters of finance and accounting is just one dimension of being a successful accountant. Employers know this, and will prefer to hire an accountant who, in addition to demonstrating excellent accounting skills, also possesses the following traits:
- Pays close attention to details, but does not lose sight of how details affect the bigger picture;
- Is a problem solver; a strategic thinker;
- Has a productive curiosity about business systems (why a company is profitable, how it gets customers, etc.);
- Has good listening skills
- Can communicate complex financial information in a clear, straightforward manner;
- Is a good supervisor; works well as a member of a team.
Some accountants are generalists, while others prefer to specialize in a given area. For example, if you are hired as a cost accountant (or cost accounting manager) for a manufacturing company, you might supervise several cost clerks who work with you to calculate the costs of products manufactured, prepare cost estimates for potential sales of new products, and monitor the cost of raw materials, labor, and overhead.
Or, you might be responsible for analyzing a large corporation's general ledger account balances and preparing financial statements that comply with generally accepted accounting principles. As such, you would supervise accounts payable clerks and payroll clerks. For this type of accounting, your title might be general ledger accountant, chief accountant, corporate accountant, accounting manager, or corporate controller.
Future Needs
As the world becomes more interconnected via global systems and international commerce, the need increases for accountants to be knowledgeable in international accounting standards as well as new technologies that assist management in making decisions. In short, accountants will need to be life-long learners who work closely with people in such fields as marketing, production, information technology, and e-commerce.
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