1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
entitle - entrance - misconduct - ongoing - parking lot - permission
perpetual - privacy - seminal - subject - vehicle - will
Leases of land - A lease and a license
A lease should be contrasted with a license, which may _________ a person (called a licensee) to use property, but which is _________ to termination at the _________ of the owner of the property (called the licensor). An example of a licensor/licensee relationship is a _________ owner and a person who parks a _________ in the parking lot. A license may be seen in the form of a ticket to a baseball game or a verbal _________ to sleep a few days on a sofa.
The difference is that if there is a term (end time), a degree of _________ suggestive of exclusive possession of a clearly defined part, practised _________, recurrent payments, a lack of right to terminate save for _________ or nonpayment, these factors tend toward a lease; by contrast, a one-time _________ onto someone else's property is probably a license.
The _________ difference between a lease and a license is that a lease generally provides for regular periodic payments during its term and a specific ending date. If a contract has no ending date then it may be in the form of a _________ license and still not be a lease.
entitle |
[ ɪnˈtaɪtl ] |
давати право |
entrance |
[ ˈentrəns ] |
вхід |
misconduct |
[ ˌmɪsˈkɒn.dʌkt ] |
погана поведінка |
ongoing |
[ ˈɒŋˌɡəʊ.ɪŋ ] |
постійний, безперервний |
parking lot |
[ ˈpɑː.kɪŋ ] [ lɒt ] |
парковка |
permission |
[ pəˈmɪʃn ] |
дозвіл |
perpetual |
[ pəˈpetʃ.u.əl ] |
вічний, довічний |
privacy |
[ ˈprɪv.ə.si ] |
приватна власність |
seminal |
[ ˈsem.ɪ.nəl ] |
первинний |
subject |
[ ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ] |
підлягати |
vehicle |
[ ˈviːəkl ] |
транспортний засіб |
will |
[ wɪl ] |
воля |
Leases of land - A lease and a license
A lease should be contrasted with a license, which may entitle a person (called a licensee) to use property, but which is subject to termination at the will of the owner of the property (called the licensor). An example of a licensor/licensee relationship is a parking lot owner and a person who parks a vehicle in the parking lot. A license may be seen in the form of a ticket to a baseball game or a verbal permission to sleep a few days on a sofa.
The difference is that if there is a term (end time), a degree of privacy suggestive of exclusive possession of a clearly defined part, practised ongoing, recurrent payments, a lack of right to terminate save for misconduct or nonpayment, these factors tend toward a lease; by contrast, a one-time entrance onto someone else's property is probably a license.
The seminal difference between a lease and a license is that a lease generally provides for regular periodic payments during its term and a specific ending date. If a contract has no ending date then it may be in the form of a perpetual license and still not be a lease.
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