1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
conditioned - duration - ending date - harvest - lasts - partially
Fixed-term tenancy
A fixed-term tenancy or tenancy for years _________ for some fixed period of time. It has a definite beginning date and a definite _________. Despite the name "tenancy for years", such a tenancy can last for any period of time—even a tenancy for one week may be called a tenancy for years. At common law the _________ did not need to be certain, but could be __________ upon the happening of some event, (e.g., "until the crops are ready for _________" or "until the war is over"). In many jurisdictions that possibility has been _________ or totally abolished.
conditioned |
[kənˈdɪʃənd] |
обумовлений |
duration |
[ djʊəˈreɪ.ʃən ] |
тривалість, термін дії |
ending date |
[ ˈendɪŋ ] [ deɪt ] |
дата закінчення |
harvest |
[ ˈhɑː.vɪst ] |
урожай |
lasts |
[ lɑːst ] |
тривати |
partially |
[ ˈpɑː.ʃəl.i ] |
частково |
Fixed-term tenancy
A fixed-term tenancy or tenancy for years lasts for some fixed period of time. It has a definite beginning date and a definite ending date. Despite the name "tenancy for years", such a tenancy can last for any period of time—even a tenancy for one week may be called a tenancy for years. At common law the duration did not need to be certain, but could be conditioned upon the happening of some event, (e.g., "until the crops are ready for harvest" or "until the war is over"). In many jurisdictions that possibility has been partially or totally abolished.
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