1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
arising - blanket policy – contents – coverage
homeowners – intentional – proof – signing
In order to rent in many apartment buildings, a renter (lessee) is often required to provide _________ of renters insurance before _________ the rental agreement. There is a special type of the _________ insurance. This is commonly referred to as renter’s insurance or renter's _________.
Similar to condominium coverage, a renter's insurance policy covers those aspects of the apartment and its _________ not specifically covered in the _________ written for the complex. This policy can also cover liabilities _________ from accidents and _________ injuries for guests.
arising |
[ əˈraɪz ] |
що виникає |
blanket policy |
[ ˈblæŋ.kɪt ] [ˈpɒləsi ] |
поліс часткового страхування |
contents |
[ kənˈtent ] |
вміст |
coverage |
[ ˈkʌv.ər.ɪdʒ ] |
покриття |
homeowners |
[ ˈhəʊmˌəʊ.nər ] |
домовласники |
intentional |
[ ɪnˈten.ʃən.əl ] |
навмисний |
proof |
[ pruːf ] |
доведення |
signing |
[ ˈsaɪ.nɪŋ ] |
підписання |
In order to rent in many apartment buildings, a renter (lessee) is often required to provide proof of renters insurance before signing the rental agreement. There is a special type of the homeowners insurance. This is commonly referred to as renter’s insurance or renter's coverage.
Similar to condominium coverage, a renter's insurance policy covers those aspects of the apartment and its contents not specifically covered in the blanket policy written for the complex. This policy can also cover liabilities arising from accidents and intentional injuries for guests.
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