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Terminating of Tenancy at will: перевір свою фінансову англійську

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Terminating of Tenancy at will: перевір свою фінансову англійську

1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:

еnforceable – enter – insufficient – negotiate   

removed – signed – temporary – vacate 

In most residential tenancies for a fixed term, for consideration, the tenant may not be _________ except for cause, even if there is no written lease. (However, an oral lease for more than 12 months is not _________ if the statute of frauds in the jurisdiction includes leases of more than 12 months.) Many residential leases convert to "at will" tenancy subject to 30-days notice. Alternatively, a tenancy at will (without a specific time limit) may exist for a _________ period where a tenant wishes to take possession of a property and the landlord agrees, but there is _________ time in which to _________ and complete a new lease. In this case, the tenancy at will is terminated as soon as a new lease is negotiated and _________. 

The parties may also agree on the basis that if the parties fail to _________ into a new lease within a reasonable time period, then the tenant must _________ the premises.





[ ɪnˈfɔːsəbl ]

входити в законну силу


[ ˈentə(r) ]



[ ˌɪn.səˈfɪʃ.ənt ]



[ nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪt ]

вести переговори


[ rɪˈmuːvd ]



[ saɪn ]



[ ˈtemprəri ]



[ vəˈkeɪt ]

звільняти (приміщення)



[ Див. правильну відповідь ] 


In most residential tenancies for a fixed term, for consideration, the tenant may not be removed except for cause, even if there is no written lease. (However, an oral lease for more than 12 months is not enforceable if the statute of frauds in the jurisdiction includes leases of more than 12 months.) Many residential leases convert to "at will" tenancy subject to 30-days notice. 

Alternatively, a tenancy at will (without a specific time limit) may exist for a temporary period where a tenant wishes to take possession of a property and the landlord agrees, but there is insufficient time in which to negotiate and complete a new lease. In this case, the tenancy at will is terminated as soon as a new lease is negotiated and signed

The parties may also agree on the basis that if the parties fail to enter into a new lease within a reasonable time period, then the tenant must vacate the premises.


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