1. TASK: Insert the appropriate word in the text below:
assessing - demand - establishing - infrastructure
poorly - readily - Sound - strong
subsequent - value - viability
However, a company with a negative free cash flow position is not always an indication of a ___________ run company. A company having a positive cash flow position that makes large investments in its ___________ could produce a short-term negative free cash flow position. The important point to remember is that no matter the size of a company, the financial focus must be on ___________ a positive free cash flow position. ___________ financial management practices which yield ___________ earnings per share are a good indication of a well managed company. However, it is the level of free cash flow which signifies the financial ___________ of any sized-company.
For the small, emerging biotechnology company, these are essential for sustaining business operations, establishing solid growth and enhancing corporate ___________. A biotechnology company initially funded by SBIR/STTR grants must look to create immediate cash flow through viable and ___________ available revenue streams such as sale or licensing of its technology or the sale of therapeutics and treatment practices in order to create free cash flow. As a start-up transitions to the small growth company status, fundamental activities such as understanding market ___________, identifying the competition, ___________ customer needs and producing products or services that meet customer needs should provide the revenue and the ___________ free cash flow to sustain growth.
assessing |
[ əˈses ] |
оценить |
demand |
[ dɪˈmɑːnd ] |
спрос, требование |
establishing |
[ ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ ] |
установить, создать |
infrastructure |
[ ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃər ] |
инфраструктура |
poorly |
[ ˈpɔː.li ] |
плохо, слабо, некачественно |
readily |
[ ˈred.ɪ.li ] |
легко, охотно |
Sound |
[ saʊnd ] |
здоровый, крепкий |
strong |
[ strɒŋ ] |
сильный, крепкий |
subsequent |
[ ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt ] |
последующий |
value |
[ ˈvæljuː ] |
значение, стоимость |
viability |
[ ˌvaɪ.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti ] |
жизнеспособность |
However, a company with a negative free cash flow position is not always an indication of a poorly run company. A company having a positive cash flow position that makes large investments in its infrastructure could produce a short-term negative free cash flow position. The important point to remember is that no matter the size of a company, the financial focus must be on establishing a positive free cash flow position. Sound financial management practices which yield strong earnings per share are a good indication of a well managed company. However, it is the level of free cash flow which signifies the financial viability of any sized-company.
For the small, emerging biotechnology company, these are essential for sustaining business operations, establishing solid growth and enhancing corporate value. A biotechnology company initially funded by SBIR/STTR grants must look to create immediate cash flow through viable and readily available revenue streams such as sale or licensing of its technology or the sale of therapeutics and treatment practices in order to create free cash flow. As a start-up transitions to the small growth company status, fundamental activities such as understanding market demand, identifying the competition, assessing customer needs and producing products or services that meet customer needs should provide the revenue and the subsequent free cash flow to sustain growth. late payments.
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